We built OMA with you in mind. We believe you deserve a reliable and top rated driver anytime you need a ride. OMA is now the most reliable and affordable way to move around the city. With OMA, you are sure to get a reliable & safe ride anytime and anywhere in cities where we operate.
Get a reliable ride in minutes:
1. Download OMA App for free.
2. Sign-up using an easy step.
3. Choose your pick up & destination
4. Choose your preferred Ride (OMA Prime/ OMA Lite/ OMA Taxi / OMA Keke), and Request for a Ride.
5. The app will automatically connects you to a close-by driver.
OMA App interesting features:
· When a driver is enroute to your pick up location, the driver’s details including: first name, picture, Car/Keke licence number, estimated time of arrival will display on your app screen.
· The app will notify you once your driver arrives your pickup location.
· Your trip ends when you arrive your destination.
· Your trip fare is automatically calculated using base price, distance covered, and total trip duration.
· At the end of every trip, you will rate your driver and your driver will also rate you.
If you have any suggestion or an issue with the app, kindly send a mail to us [email protected]